how to get visibility of element android

To get the visibility of an element in Android, you can follow these steps:

  1. Find the element: Use the appropriate method to find the element in the Android UI. This can be done using the element's ID, class name, or other attributes. For example, if you want to find an element with a specific ID, you can use the findViewById() method.

  2. Check the visibility: Once you have found the element, you can check its visibility status. In Android, the visibility of an element is represented by an integer value. The possible values are:

  3. View.VISIBLE (0): The element is visible.
  4. View.INVISIBLE (4): The element is invisible, but it still takes up space in the layout.
  5. View.GONE (8): The element is invisible and does not take up any space in the layout.

  6. Get the visibility status: To get the visibility status of an element, you can use the getVisibility() method. This method returns an integer value representing the visibility status of the element.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to get the visibility of an element in Android:

// Find the element
View element = findViewById(;

// Get the visibility status
int visibility = element.getVisibility();

// Check the visibility status
if (visibility == View.VISIBLE) {
    // The element is visible
    // Perform the desired actions
} else if (visibility == View.INVISIBLE) {
    // The element is invisible
    // Perform the desired actions
} else if (visibility == View.GONE) {
    // The element is gone
    // Perform the desired actions

By following these steps, you can effectively get the visibility of an element in Android.