25802 WARNING: lib not found: _pywrap_tensorflow_internal.pyd dependency of D:\Devtools\miniconda\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client\_pywrap_tf_session.pyd

  1. The warning message "25802 WARNING: lib not found: _pywrap_tensorflow_internal.pyd dependency of D:\Devtools\miniconda\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client_pywrap_tf_session.pyd" indicates that a library called "_pywrap_tensorflow_internal.pyd" is not found, and it is a dependency of the file "_pywrap_tf_session.pyd" located in the given directory.

  2. The warning message suggests that the program or script that is being executed requires the "_pywrap_tensorflow_internal.pyd" library to function properly.

  3. The warning message specifically mentions that the library is a dependency of the file "_pywrap_tf_session.pyd", which indicates that the file "_pywrap_tf_session.pyd" relies on the functionality provided by the missing library.

  4. The warning message also provides the path to the file "_pywrap_tf_session.pyd" that requires the missing library. In this case, the file is located at "D:\Devtools\miniconda\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\client_pywrap_tf_session.pyd".

  5. To resolve this warning, you need to ensure that the missing library "_pywrap_tensorflow_internal.pyd" is installed and accessible to the program or script that is being executed. You may need to check your installation of TensorFlow or the specific package that is generating this warning.

  6. If you are using a package manager like pip or conda, you can try reinstalling the TensorFlow package to ensure that all dependencies are properly installed.

  7. It is also possible that the library is not included in the search path of your program or script. In such cases, you may need to add the path to the missing library to the appropriate environment variable (such as PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH) to make it accessible.

  8. If the missing library is part of a separate package or module, you may need to install that package or module separately before the missing library becomes available.

  9. It's important to note that this warning message indicates a missing library and not an error. Depending on the specific requirements of your program or script, it may still be able to function properly even with the missing library. However, it's generally recommended to resolve any missing library issues to ensure the correct and expected behavior of the program or script.

  10. If you continue to experience issues or need further assistance, it may be helpful to provide more information about your specific setup, such as the version of TensorFlow you are using and any additional dependencies or packages that are relevant to your program or script.