wifi access point in esp8266

To create a WiFi access point using ESP8266 in the C programming language, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary libraries:
  2. Include the "ESP8266WiFi.h" library to access the WiFi functionality.
  3. Include the "ESP8266WebServer.h" library to handle web server functionality.

  4. Set up the WiFi mode:

  5. Use the "WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP)" function to set the ESP8266 in access point mode.

  6. Configure the access point:

  7. Use the "WiFi.softAP(ssid, password)" function to specify the SSID (name) and password for the access point.
  8. Replace "ssid" with the desired name for your access point.
  9. Replace "password" with the desired password for your access point.

  10. Start the access point:

  11. Use the "WiFi.softAPConfig(local_ip, gateway, subnet)" function to configure the IP address, gateway, and subnet mask for the access point.
  12. Replace "local_ip" with the desired local IP address for your access point.
  13. Replace "gateway" with the desired gateway IP address for your access point.
  14. Replace "subnet" with the desired subnet mask for your access point.

  15. Handle client requests:

  16. Set up a web server using the "ESP8266WebServer" library and the "ESP8266WebServer server(80)" function.
  17. Use the "server.on()" function to define the desired behavior for different URLs and HTTP methods.
  18. For example, you can use "server.on("/", handleRoot)" to handle the root URL ("/") and call the "handleRoot()" function to define the behavior for that URL.

  19. Start the server:

  20. Use the "server.begin()" function to start the web server and listen for incoming client requests.

  21. Implement the desired functionality:

  22. Depending on your requirements, you can implement various functionalities such as handling different URLs, serving web pages, sending data to clients, etc.
  23. You can define separate functions for different URLs and use the "server.on()" function to map those functions to the respective URLs.

  24. Handle client requests:

  25. Use the "server.handleClient()" function inside the main loop to handle incoming client requests.

By following these steps, you can create a WiFi access point using ESP8266 in the C programming language.