online linux terminal for c programming

Online Linux Terminal for C Programming

To program in C using an online Linux terminal, you can use various platforms that provide a Linux environment with a terminal interface. These platforms allow you to write, compile, and run C programs directly in your web browser. Here are the steps to use an online Linux terminal for C programming:

  1. Choose an Online Linux Terminal Platform: There are several online platforms that provide a Linux terminal environment for C programming. Some popular options include:

  2. Replit: Replit is an online coding platform that supports multiple programming languages, including C. It provides a Linux terminal interface where you can write, compile, and run C programs. You can access Replit at

  3. Paiza.IO: Paiza.IO is another online coding platform that offers a Linux terminal environment for C programming. It allows you to write, compile, and run C programs in your web browser. You can access Paiza.IO at

  4. Coding Ground: Coding Ground is an online IDE that provides a Linux terminal interface for C programming. It offers a range of features, including code editing, compilation, and execution. You can access Coding Ground at

  5. Open the Online Linux Terminal: Once you have chosen an online Linux terminal platform, open the platform in your web browser. You will be presented with a Linux terminal interface where you can enter commands and write C code.

  6. Write Your C Program: In the online Linux terminal, you can use a text editor to write your C program. You can create a new file using the vi or nano text editors. For example, to create a new file named program.c using the nano editor, you can use the following command:

nano program.c

This will open the nano editor, where you can write your C code.

  1. Save Your C Program: After writing your C program, save the file using the appropriate command in the text editor. For example, in the nano editor, you can save the file by pressing Ctrl + O and then pressing Enter.

  2. Compile Your C Program: Once your C program is saved, you can compile it using a C compiler such as gcc. In the online Linux terminal, you can use the gcc command followed by the name of your C file to compile it. For example, to compile a file named program.c, you can use the following command:

gcc program.c -o program

This will compile your C program and generate an executable file named program.

  1. Run Your C Program: After compiling your C program, you can run it using the generated executable file. In the online Linux terminal, you can run the executable file by entering its name. For example, to run the program executable, you can use the following command:


This will execute your C program and display the output, if any.

  1. Debug and Modify Your C Program: If you encounter any errors or issues while running your C program, you can use the online Linux terminal's debugging tools to identify and fix the problems. You can also modify your C program directly in the terminal using the text editor.

  2. Save and Share Your C Program: Once you are satisfied with your C program, you can save it for future reference or share it with others. You can save the program file to your local machine or use the online Linux terminal's file-sharing features to share the code with others.

Remember to consult the documentation or help resources provided by the specific online Linux terminal platform you are using for more detailed instructions and features.

I hope this explanation helps you get started with using an online Linux terminal for C programming!