Array of pointers to functions

To create an array of pointers to functions in C, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare the array: Start by declaring the array of pointers to functions. The syntax for declaring an array of pointers to functions is as follows: return_type (*array_name[size])(parameter_list); Here, return_type is the data type that the function returns, array_name is the name of the array, size is the number of elements in the array, and parameter_list is a list of parameters that the function accepts.

  2. Define the functions: Next, define the functions that the array of pointers will point to. These functions should have the same return type and parameter list as specified in the declaration.

  3. Assign function pointers to the array: After defining the functions, you need to assign function pointers to each element of the array. Each function pointer should point to a specific function. To assign a function pointer to an array element, use the & operator followed by the function name. For example: array_name[0] = &function_name;

  4. Call the functions using the array: Once the function pointers are assigned to the array elements, you can call the functions using the array. To call a function using a function pointer, use the (*function_pointer)(arguments) syntax. For example: (*array_name[0])(arguments);

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for other functions: If you have more functions, repeat steps 3 and 4 to assign function pointers to the remaining array elements and call the functions accordingly.

It's important to note that the order in which the functions are assigned to the array elements determines the order in which they are called. So make sure to assign the function pointers in the desired order.

That's it! You now have an array of pointers to functions in C, which allows you to store and call functions dynamically based on the array index.