or gmode inline image

Certainly! Here is a step-by-step explanation of using the gmode inline image in the C programming language:

  1. Include the necessary header files: To use the gmode inline image in C, you need to include the necessary header files at the beginning of your program. These header files typically include "graphics.h" and "conio.h".

  2. Initialize the graphics mode: After including the necessary header files, you need to initialize the graphics mode using the "initgraph()" function. This function sets up the graphics driver and mode required for drawing graphics on the screen.

  3. Draw the image: Once you have initialized the graphics mode, you can draw the image using various functions provided by the graphics library. These functions include "line()", "circle()", "rectangle()", etc. You can use these functions to create shapes, lines, and other graphical elements.

  4. Close the graphics mode: After you have finished drawing the image, you need to close the graphics mode using the "closegraph()" function. This function releases any system resources used by the graphics mode and returns the system to its original text mode.

  5. Compile and run the program: Finally, you need to compile and run the program to see the image on the screen. Make sure to link the necessary graphics libraries during the compilation process.

Please note that the gmode inline image is specific to certain compilers and may not be available in all C compilers. It is commonly used in the Turbo C/C++ compiler for DOS-based systems.