
Certainly! Here is a step-by-step explanation of a program written in the C programming language:

  1. Preprocessing: This is the initial step where the preprocessor directives are processed. These directives start with a hash symbol (#) and are used to include header files, define macros, etc.

  2. Compiling: In this step, the C source code is converted into assembly code. The compiler analyzes the code for syntax errors and generates object code.

  3. Linking: The object code generated from the previous step is combined with the necessary libraries and other object files to create an executable file. This process is called linking.

  4. Execution: The final step is executing the compiled program. The program is loaded into memory, and the operating system starts executing it from the main function.

During the execution, the program follows the instructions written in the C code, performs calculations, makes decisions using control structures like if-else statements and loops, and interacts with the user through input and output operations.

The program continues execution until it encounters a return statement or reaches the end of the main function. At this point, the program terminates, and the operating system releases the resources allocated to it.

Note: The above explanation provides a general overview of the steps involved in writing and executing a C program. The actual process may vary depending on the compiler and the specific requirements of the program.