install material ui

To use Material-UI in a C language project, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download Material-UI source code from the official repository:

  2. Extract the downloaded archive to your project directory.

  3. Include the Material-UI header files in your C code:

#include "path/to/material-ui/src/material-ui.h"
  1. Link your project with the Material-UI library:
gcc your_code.c -o your_executable -L/path/to/material-ui/build -lmaterial-ui
  1. Make sure to include the Material-UI CSS styles in your HTML or any applicable way in your project.

  2. Start using Material-UI components and styles in your C code as needed.

Note: Material-UI is primarily designed for web development using JavaScript and React. Integrating it directly into a C language project may not be straightforward, and you might need additional tools or libraries to make it work seamlessly. If you are working on a web project, consider using Material-UI with a suitable web development stack.