gitlab ci heroku

Using GitLab CI with Heroku for Continuous Integration

To use GitLab CI with Heroku for continuous integration, you can set up a pipeline in your GitLab project that deploys your application to Heroku. Here's an example configuration for a .gitlab-ci.yml file:

image: ruby:2.6

  - test
  - deploy

  HEROKU_API_KEY: your-heroku-api-key
  HEROKU_APP_NAME: your-heroku-app-name

  stage: test
    - bundle install
    - bundle exec rspec

  stage: deploy
    - apt-get update -qy
    - apt-get install -y ruby-dev
    - gem install dpl
    - dpl --provider=heroku --app=$HEROKU_APP_NAME --api-key=$HEROKU_API_KEY
    - master

In this example, the test stage runs the tests for your application, and the deploy stage deploys the application to Heroku using the dpl tool. You'll need to replace your-heroku-api-key and your-heroku-app-name with your actual Heroku API key and app name.

Once you've set up the .gitlab-ci.yml file, GitLab CI will automatically trigger the pipeline when you push changes to your repository. This will run the tests and deploy the application to Heroku if the changes are on the master branch.

By using GitLab CI with Heroku, you can automate the process of testing and deploying your application, making it easier to maintain and release updates.