convert video to gif with ffmpeg

To convert a video to a GIF using FFmpeg in C, you can use the AForge.NET library, which provides a VideoFileWriter class for writing video files with the help of FFmpeg. Here's an example of how you can convert a video to a GIF using FFmpeg in C:

using AForge.Video.FFMPEG;

public void ConvertVideoToGif(string videoPath, string gifPath)
    using (var videoReader = new VideoFileReader())

        using (var gifWriter = new VideoFileWriter())
            gifWriter.Open(gifPath, videoReader.Width, videoReader.Height, videoReader.FrameRate, VideoCodec.GIF);

            for (int i = 0; i < videoReader.FrameCount; i++)
                var frame = videoReader.ReadVideoFrame();



Make sure to include the AForge.Video.FFMPEG namespace in your code.

This code uses the VideoFileReader class from AForge.NET to read the frames of the input video, and the VideoFileWriter class to write the frames as a GIF file. It iterates over each frame of the video, reads it, and writes it to the GIF file using the WriteVideoFrame method.

You can call the ConvertVideoToGif function with the path of the input video and the desired path for the output GIF file.

Please note that you need to have the AForge.Video.FFMPEG library installed and referenced in your project for this code to work. You can download the library from the AForge.NET website mentioned in the search snippet [1].

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.