time include c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main() {
    time_t currentTime;
    struct tm *localTime;

    // Get current time
    currentTime = time(NULL);

    // Convert current time to local time
    localTime = localtime(&currentTime);

    // Print local time
    printf("Current time: %s", asctime(localTime));

    return 0;

The above code includes the necessary headers and demonstrates how to get the current time using the time library in C. It declares a time_t variable currentTime to store the current time, and a struct tm pointer localTime to store the local time.

The time function is called with NULL as its argument to get the current time in seconds since the epoch. Then, the localtime function is used to convert the current time to the local time representation, which is stored in the localTime variable.

Finally, the asctime function is used to convert the localTime struct to a human-readable string, which is then printed to the console using printf.