c program to find minimum of 5 numbers using conditional operator in c

Here is a C program that uses the conditional operator to find the minimum of 5 numbers:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   int num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, min;

   printf("Enter five numbers: ");
   scanf("%d %d %d %d %d", &num1, &num2, &num3, &num4, &num5);

   min = (num1 < num2) ? ((num1 < num3) ? ((num1 < num4) ? ((num1 < num5) ? num1 : num5) : ((num4 < num5) ? num4 : num5)) : ((num3 < num4) ? ((num3 < num5) ? num3 : num5) : ((num4 < num5) ? num4 : num5))) : ((num2 < num3) ? ((num2 < num4) ? ((num2 < num5) ? num2 : num5) : ((num4 < num5) ? num4 : num5)) : ((num3 < num4) ? ((num3 < num5) ? num3 : num5) : ((num4 < num5) ? num4 : num5)));

   printf("Minimum number: %d\n", min);

   return 0;

This program prompts the user to enter five numbers and then uses nested conditional operators to compare and find the minimum value among the five numbers. The minimum value is stored in the variable min, and it is displayed as output using the printf function.