pop and push shows black screen which needs to be pressed back flutter

When using the "pop" and "push" functions in the C programming language, some users may encounter a black screen that requires pressing the back button in order to return to the previous screen. To resolve this issue, you can try a few troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check your code: Review the code where you are using the "pop" and "push" functions. Make sure that you are using them correctly and that they are being called in the appropriate places.

  2. Verify your imports: Ensure that you have imported the necessary libraries or headers for using the "pop" and "push" functions. Double-check that you have included all the required files.

  3. Check for errors or warnings: Compile your code and carefully review any error or warning messages. Addressing these issues may resolve the black screen problem.

  4. Test on different devices: If possible, test your code on different devices or emulators to see if the issue persists. This can help identify whether the problem is specific to a particular device or configuration.

  5. Consult documentation and forums: Search online for documentation or forums related to the specific framework or library you are using. Others may have encountered a similar issue and may have found a solution or workaround.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot the black screen issue when using the "pop" and "push" functions in the C programming language.