bootstrap text color

To change the text color in Bootstrap using CSS, you can use the "text-" utility classes. These classes can be applied to any HTML element to change the color of the text. Here are the available options for the "text-" classes:

  • text-primary: Sets the text color to the primary color defined in Bootstrap's color palette.
  • text-secondary: Sets the text color to the secondary color defined in Bootstrap's color palette.
  • text-success: Sets the text color to indicate success.
  • text-danger: Sets the text color to indicate danger or error.
  • text-warning: Sets the text color to indicate a warning.
  • text-info: Sets the text color to indicate informational content.
  • text-light: Sets the text color to a light color.
  • text-dark: Sets the text color to a dark color.
  • text-body: Sets the text color to the default body text color.
  • text-muted: Sets the text color to a muted or subdued color.

To use these classes, simply add them to the HTML element that you want to apply the text color to. For example, if you want to set the text color to primary, you can add the class "text-primary" to the element:

<p class="text-primary">This text is in primary color.</p>

Similarly, you can use any of the other classes mentioned above to set the desired text color.