how to login to another user in powershell

To log in as another user in PowerShell, you can use the Start-Process cmdlet with the -Credential parameter. Here's an example:

$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "Password123" -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "Username", $securePassword

Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Path\to\Program.exe" -Credential $credential

Replace "Password123" with the actual password for the user you want to log in as, and "Username" with the username. Modify the file path "C:\Path\to\Program.exe" to the path of the program you want to run as the other user.

This will start the specified program with the provided username and password, effectively logging in as that user.

Please note that this requires administrative privileges to run and may not work if the user account does not have the necessary permissions.