goto statement in c

The goto statement in C is a control flow statement that allows you to transfer the program's control directly to a labeled statement within the same function. It is often used to create loops or to jump to a specific section of code based on certain conditions.

The goto statement is defined using the keyword goto followed by a label. The label is an identifier followed by a colon (:). It can be placed before any statement within the same function.

Here is the syntax for using the goto statement in C:

goto label;
label: statement;

When the goto statement is encountered, the program's control is transferred to the labeled statement. This means that the subsequent statements following the goto statement are skipped, and the program continues executing from the labeled statement.

It's important to use the goto statement carefully, as it can make the control flow of the program harder to understand and maintain. It can lead to code that is difficult to read and debug. In general, it is recommended to use structured control flow statements like if, else, for, while, and do-while loops instead of the goto statement whenever possible.

That being said, there are certain situations where the goto statement can be useful, such as breaking out of nested loops or handling error conditions in a concise manner. However, it is important to use it judiciously and with caution.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
   int num;

   printf("Enter a positive number: ");
   scanf("%d", &num);

   if (num <= 0) {
      goto error;

   printf("The number is: %d\n", num);
   return 0;

   printf("Error: Invalid number entered!\n");
   return 1;

In this example, the program asks the user to enter a positive number. If the number entered is less than or equal to 0, the program jumps to the error label using the goto statement and displays an error message. Otherwise, it prints the entered number.

Note that the use of goto in this example helps to keep the code concise by avoiding nested if-else statements. However, it is important to handle error conditions appropriately in real-world scenarios.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.