gcc undefined reference to initscr'

The error message "undefined reference to initscr'" in the context of the C programming language is typically encountered when using the ncurses library. The error occurs when the linker is unable to find the definition for theinitscr` function.

To resolve this issue, you need to link your program with the ncurses library. To do this, you can add the -lncurses flag to your compiler command. Here's an example of how you can compile a C program that uses the ncurses library:

gcc your_program.c -o your_program -lncurses

Make sure you have the ncurses library installed on your system before attempting to compile the program. Additionally, ensure that the ncurses library is correctly installed and accessible to the compiler.

Once you have linked the ncurses library, the "undefined reference to `initscr'" error should be resolved, and you should be able to compile and run your program without any issues.