windeployqt example

To use windeployqt in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the command prompt and navigate to the directory where your application's executable file is located.

  2. Run the windeployqt command followed by the name of your executable file. For example, if your executable file is named "myapp.exe", you would run:

windeployqt myapp.exe
  1. windeployqt will analyze your application's dependencies and copy the necessary Qt libraries and plugins to your application's directory.

  2. After the process is complete, your application should be ready to run on a Windows machine without requiring a separate Qt installation.

Note that windeployqt should be run on a machine where Qt is installed. Additionally, make sure that the Qt version used to build your application matches the version of windeployqt you are using.

This command automates the process of deploying Qt applications on Windows by automatically copying the necessary Qt libraries and plugins. It saves you the trouble of manually identifying and copying the required files, making the deployment process more streamlined and convenient.