how to slow voice speed in pyttsx3

How to Slow Voice Speed in pyttsx3

To slow down the voice speed in pyttsx3, you can use the setProperty method with the rate property. Here's an example:

import pyttsx3

# Initialize the pyttsx3 engine
engine = pyttsx3.init()

# Get the current speech rate
rate = engine.getProperty('rate')

# Set the new speech rate (lower value for slower speed)
engine.setProperty('rate', rate - 50)

# Say something
engine.say("This is an example of slowed down speech.")

# Run the speech engine

In the example above, the rate property is used to control the speed of the speech. By decreasing the value of rate, you can slow down the voice speed. The default value is usually 200, and decreasing it to a lower value will result in a slower speech speed.

Please note that the actual range of the rate property may vary depending on the pyttsx3 version and the platform you are using. You can experiment with different values to achieve the desired speech speed.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.