rounded bootstrap

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework used for building responsive and mobile-first websites. It provides a set of CSS and JavaScript components that can be easily integrated into web projects. One of the features of Bootstrap is the ability to create rounded elements, such as buttons and images.

To create rounded elements in Bootstrap, you can use the rounded class. This class can be added to various HTML elements to give them a rounded appearance. For example, to create a rounded button, you can use the following code:

<button class="btn btn-primary rounded">Click me</button>

In this code, the btn class is used to style the button as a Bootstrap button, and the rounded class is added to give it a rounded shape.

Similarly, you can apply the rounded class to other elements like images or div containers to make them rounded. Here's an example of creating a rounded image:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="Rounded Image" class="rounded">

By adding the rounded class to the img tag, the image will have rounded corners.

It's important to note that Bootstrap provides different levels of rounding, such as rounded, rounded-circle, and rounded-0. These classes can be used to achieve different styles of rounding. The rounded-circle class, for example, creates a circular shape.

I hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.