
Language: Bootstrap with react-bootstrap-table2-editor

To use the react-bootstrap-table2-editor, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the package using npm: bash npm install react-bootstrap-table2-editor

  2. Import the necessary components in your file: javascript import BootstrapTable from 'react-bootstrap-table-next'; import cellEditFactory from 'react-bootstrap-table2-editor';

  3. Create your data and define columns: ```javascript const data = [ / your data here / ];

const columns = [ / your columns here / ]; ```

  1. Use the BootstrapTable and cellEditFactory components to render the editable table: javascript <BootstrapTable keyField="id" data={data} columns={columns} cellEdit={cellEditFactory({ mode: 'click', blurToSave: true })} />

By following these steps, you can integrate the react-bootstrap-table2-editor into your Bootstrap application for creating an editable table.