vendor bundle base js and bootstrap min js conflict

To resolve a conflict between the vendor bundle base.js and bootstrap.min.js in Bootstrap, you can try the following steps:

  1. Make sure you have included the necessary dependencies correctly. Check that you have included the vendor bundle base.js and bootstrap.min.js files in the correct order in your HTML file.

  2. Check for any JavaScript errors in the browser console. Open the developer tools in your browser and look for any error messages related to the conflicting scripts. Fixing these errors may help resolve the conflict.

  3. Try using a different version of Bootstrap. Sometimes, conflicts can arise due to compatibility issues between different versions of Bootstrap and other JavaScript libraries. Updating to the latest version of Bootstrap or trying a different version may help resolve the conflict.

  4. Use a module bundler or build tool. If you are using a module bundler like Webpack or a build tool like Gulp, make sure you have configured it correctly to handle the dependencies and avoid conflicts between scripts.

  5. Check for conflicting code or duplicate script references. Review your code and ensure that there are no conflicting JavaScript code snippets or duplicate script references that could be causing the conflict.

Please note that without specific details about the conflict or the code you are working with, it is difficult to provide a more specific solution. If you can provide more information or specific error messages, I can assist you further.