toast notification angular bootstrap 8

Angular Bootstrap 8 Toast Notification

To implement toast notifications in Angular with Bootstrap 8, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Bootstrap: Install Bootstrap in your Angular project by running the following command in your project directory: npm install bootstrap

  2. Import Bootstrap styles: Open the styles.scss file in your project's src folder and add the following line to import Bootstrap styles: scss @import '~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css';

  3. Import Toast component: Open the component where you want to use the toast notification and import the Toast component from ngx-bootstrap: typescript import { Toast } from 'ngx-bootstrap/toast';

  4. Add Toast component to HTML: In your component's HTML file, add the Toast component with the desired content and options: html <ngb-toast header="Toast Header" [autohide]="true" [delay]="5000" [show]="true" (hidden)="onToastHidden()"> Toast content </ngb-toast>

Replace Toast Header with the desired header text and Toast content with the desired content of the toast.

  1. Handle toast events: In your component's TypeScript file, add a method to handle the hidden event of the toast: typescript onToastHidden() { // Handle toast hidden event }

You can perform any necessary actions when the toast is hidden inside this method.

That's it! You have now implemented toast notifications in Angular with Bootstrap 8 using the ngx-bootstrap library.

Please note that the specific implementation details may vary depending on your project setup and requirements. Make sure to refer to the official documentation of ngx-bootstrap and Bootstrap for more information and customization options.