API Key Authentication, Basic , Pasword Grant, Client Credentials

Language: BASIC. API Key Authentication, Basic, Password Grant, Client Credentials

To use API Key Authentication, Basic, Password Grant, or Client Credentials in BASIC, you can refer to the following example for Azure OpenAI:

= { containers = [ { name = "doc" image = "doc:v1" cpu = 0.5 memory = "1Gi" env = [ { name = "TEMPERATURE" value = 0.9 }, { name = "AZURE_OPENAI_BASE" value = "https://blueopenai.openai.azure.com/" }, { name = "AZURE_OPENAI_KEY" value = "" }, { name = "AZURE_OPENAI_TYPE" value = "azure_ad" }, { name = "AZURE_OPENAI_VERSION" value = "2023-06-01-preview" }, { name = "AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT" value = "gpt-35-turbo-16k" }, { name = "AZURE_OPENAI_MODEL" value = "gpt-35-turbo-16k" }, { name = "AZURE_OPENAI_ADA_DEPLOYMENT" value = "text-embedding-ada-002" }, { name = "AZURE_OPENAI_SYSTEM_MESSAGE" value = "You are a helpful assistant." }, { name = "MAX_RETRIES" value = 5 }, { name = "CHAINLIT_MAX_FILES" value = 10 }, { name = "TEXT_SPLITTER_CHUNK_SIZE" value = 1000 }, { name = "TEXT_SPLITTER_CHUNK_OVERLAP" value = 10 }, { name = "EMBEDDINGS_CHUNK_SIZE" value = 16 }, { name = "BACKOFF_IN_SECONDS" value = "1" }, { name = "CHAINLIT_MAX_SIZE_MB" value = 100 }, { name = "TOKEN_REFRESH_INTERVAL"

This example demonstrates the configuration for Azure OpenAI, including the use of API Key Authentication and other relevant parameters [1].

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