script to add value of 2 coulms of grid and show result in 3rd column

Sure! Here's a BASIC script that adds the values of two columns in a grid and displays the result in a third column:

10 REM Initialize the grid
20 DIM grid(10, 3)

30 REM Populate the grid with values
40 FOR i = 1 TO 10
50   INPUT "Enter value for column 1: ", grid(i, 1)
60   INPUT "Enter value for column 2: ", grid(i, 2)
70 NEXT i

80 REM Perform the addition and display the result
90 FOR i = 1 TO 10
100   grid(i, 3) = grid(i, 1) + grid(i, 2)
110   PRINT "Result for row "; i; " is "; grid(i, 3)
120 NEXT i

This script initializes a grid with 10 rows and 3 columns. It then prompts the user to enter values for the first two columns of each row. After that, it performs the addition of the values in the first and second columns and stores the result in the third column. Finally, it displays the result for each row.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.