google sheets split column

To split a column in Google Sheets using BASIC language, you can use the SPLIT function. Here's an example code snippet:

Sub SplitColumn()
    Dim sourceColumn As Range
    Dim targetColumn As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim splitValues As Variant

    Set sourceColumn = Range("A1:A10") ' Replace with your source column range
    Set targetColumn = Range("B1") ' Replace with your target column range

    For Each cell In sourceColumn
        splitValues = Split(cell.Value, ",") ' Replace "," with your delimiter

        For i = LBound(splitValues) To UBound(splitValues)
            targetColumn.Value = splitValues(i)
            Set targetColumn = targetColumn.Offset(1)
        Next i
    Next cell
End Sub

This code assumes that the source column range is A1:A10 and the target column range is B1. You can modify these ranges according to your needs. The code loops through each cell in the source column, splits the cell value using the specified delimiter (in this case, ","), and writes each split value to the target column. The target column is then incremented by one row for the next value.

Please note that this code is written in VBA, which is the programming language used in Microsoft Excel. Although Google Sheets uses a similar language called Google Apps Script, it doesn't have native support for BASIC. However, you can use the above code as a reference and adapt it to Google Apps Script if needed.

Let me know if you have any further questions.