cmd cd not working

In BASIC, the CD command is not typically used to change directories like it is in other programming languages. Instead, you would typically use the CHDIR command to change to a different directory.

The syntax for the CHDIR command is as follows:

CHDIR directory_path

Here, directory_path is the path of the directory you want to change to. For example, if you want to change to the "C:\Program Files" directory, the command would be:

CHDIR "C:\Program Files"

If you want to change to a directory that is located within the current directory, you can simply specify the name of the directory. For example, if you want to change to a directory called "Documents" that is located within the current directory, the command would be:

CHDIR Documents

Note that the CHDIR command is used to change the default directory for file operations in BASIC. It does not affect the current working directory for the command prompt or shell that you are using to run the BASIC program.

If you are encountering any specific issues or error messages when using the CHDIR command, please provide more details so that I can assist you further.