how to make vbs error message box

To create a VBScript error message box, you can use the MsgBox function with the appropriate parameters. Here's an example:

MsgBox "An error has occurred!", vbCritical, "Error"

This code will display an error message box with the message "An error has occurred!" and the title "Error". The vbCritical parameter specifies that the message box should have a critical icon.

You can customize the message and title to suit your needs. Additionally, you can use other icons such as vbInformation, vbQuestion, or vbExclamation by replacing vbCritical with the desired constant.

Here's an example with a custom message and title:

MsgBox "File not found.", vbExclamation, "Error"

This code will display an error message box with the message "File not found." and the title "Error", along with an exclamation icon.

Remember to save your VBScript file with a .vbs extension in order to run it correctly.