vb string to int32

To convert a string to an Int32 in Visual Basic, you can use the Int32.Parse or Int32.TryParse method. Here's an example:

Dim str As String = "123"
Dim num As Int32 = Int32.Parse(str)

In this example, the string "123" is converted to an Int32 using the Int32.Parse method and assigned to the variable num. If the string cannot be parsed as an Int32, an exception will be thrown.

Alternatively, you can use the Int32.TryParse method, which returns a Boolean value indicating whether the conversion was successful. Here's an example:

Dim str As String = "123"
Dim num As Int32

If Int32.TryParse(str, num) Then
    ' Conversion successful, num contains the parsed value
    ' Conversion failed
End If

In this example, the string "123" is attempted to be converted to an Int32 using the Int32.TryParse method. If the conversion is successful, the parsed value will be stored in the num variable, and the code inside the If block will be executed. If the conversion fails, the code inside the Else block will be executed.

Please note that if the string cannot be parsed as an Int32, an exception will be thrown when using Int32.Parse, while Int32.TryParse allows you to handle the failure gracefully without throwing an exception.