backbone model save without validation

To save a Backbone model without validation, you can use the save method with the validate option set to false. By default, when you call save on a Backbone model, it triggers validation before actually saving the model to the server. However, you can bypass this validation by explicitly setting the validate option to false.

Here's an example of how you can save a Backbone model without validation:, {
  validate: false

In this example, model refers to an instance of a Backbone model. By passing null as the first argument to the save method, you are indicating that you want to save the entire model. The second argument is an options object, where you can set the validate option to false.

By setting validate to false, the model will be saved to the server without triggering any validation checks. It's important to note that this means the model will be saved even if it doesn't pass any validation rules that you may have defined for it. So, make sure to use this option with caution and only when you are certain that the data being saved is valid.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.