cmd to know the version of a programm

To know the version of a program in Assembly language, you typically need to use specific commands or instructions provided by the assembler or the programming environment you are using. The exact command or instruction may vary depending on the specific assembler or programming environment you are using.

However, in general, you can use the "DB" (Define Byte) directive to define a byte variable that holds the version number of the program. For example, you can define a byte variable named "version" and assign a specific value to it, representing the version number of the program.

Here's an example of how you can define and use the "version" variable in Assembly language:

section .data
    version db 1 ; Define a byte variable named "version" and assign a value of 1 to it

section .text
    global _start

    ; Your program code goes here

    ; Access the value of the "version" variable
    mov al, [version] ; Move the value of "version" into the AL register

    ; Use the value of the "version" variable in your program logic
    ; ...

    ; Exit the program
    mov eax, 1 ; System call number for exit
    xor ebx, ebx ; Exit status code (0 for success)
    int 0x80 ; Invoke the operating system to exit the program

In this example, the "version" variable is defined in the .data section using the db directive, and a value of 1 is assigned to it. You can then access the value of the "version" variable using the mov instruction and use it in your program logic as needed.

Please note that the specific commands or instructions may vary depending on the assembler or programming environment you are using. It's recommended to consult the documentation or resources specific to your assembler or programming environment for more detailed instructions on how to determine the version of a program in Assembly language.