pyplot name axes

To name axes in a pyplot plot using Assembly language, you would typically need to use a library or framework that provides functions for creating plots. One popular library for creating plots in Assembly is the Irvine32 library.

Here is an example of how you can name axes in a pyplot plot using Assembly language with the Irvine32 library:


    x_axis_label db "X-axis",0
    y_axis_label db "Y-axis",0

main PROC
    ; Set up the stack frame
    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp

    ; Initialize the console window
    call Clrscr

    ; Create the plot
    call InitGraph

    ; Set the axis labels
    mov edx, OFFSET x_axis_label
    call SetXAxisLabel
    mov edx, OFFSET y_axis_label
    call SetYAxisLabel

    ; Plot your data points here

    ; Close the plot
    call CloseGraph

    ; Clean up the stack frame and return
    pop ebp
main ENDP

END main

In this example, we include the Irvine32 library using the include directive. We then define two strings, x_axis_label and y_axis_label, which represent the labels for the x-axis and y-axis, respectively.

Inside the main procedure, we set up the stack frame and initialize the console window using the Clrscr function. We then create the plot by calling the InitGraph function.

Next, we set the axis labels by loading the addresses of the strings into the edx register and calling the SetXAxisLabel and SetYAxisLabel functions, respectively.

After setting the axis labels, you can plot your data points using the appropriate functions provided by the library.

Finally, we close the plot by calling the CloseGraph function and clean up the stack frame before returning from the program.

Please note that the specific code may vary depending on the assembler and library you are using, so it's important to consult the documentation for the specific tools and libraries you are working with.