how to check whether a row contains a numeric value or not in df

To check whether a row contains a numeric value or not in a dataframe, you can use the applymap function along with the isnumeric method in Python. Here's an example:

import pandas as pd

# Create a sample dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['apple', 'banana', '123', 'orange'],
                   'B': ['grape', '456', 'cherry', 'pear'],
                   'C': ['kiwi', 'melon', '789', 'strawberry']})

# Check if each element in the dataframe is numeric
numeric_df = df.applymap(lambda x: x.isnumeric())

# Check if any row contains a numeric value
row_contains_numeric = numeric_df.any(axis=1)

# Print the rows that contain numeric values

This code will output the rows that contain numeric values in the dataframe. The applymap function applies the isnumeric method to each element in the dataframe, returning a boolean dataframe where True indicates a numeric value. The any function is then used to check if any row contains a numeric value, and the resulting boolean series is used to filter the original dataframe.

Please note that the isnumeric method checks if a string is numeric, so it may not work for other data types. If you have non-string data types in your dataframe, you may need to convert them to strings before using the isnumeric method.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.