how to check assembly compatibility X64 and x86

To check the compatibility between X64 and x86 assembly, you need to consider the Application Binary Interface (ABI) for each architecture. The ABI defines how different components of a program interact with each other at the binary level, including function calling conventions, register usage, and data representation.

For X64 assembly, the ABI used is typically the System V AMD64 ABI, which is widely supported on Unix-like systems. It specifies the rules for parameter passing, register usage, and stack frame layout. The X64 ABI uses more registers for passing function arguments and preserves more registers across function calls compared to the x86 ABI.

On the other hand, x86 assembly follows the standard x86 ABI, which is used on 32-bit systems. The x86 ABI has different rules for parameter passing and register usage compared to the X64 ABI. It uses a combination of registers and the stack to pass function arguments and has a different set of registers available for general-purpose use.

To ensure compatibility between X64 and x86 assembly, you need to follow the appropriate ABI for each architecture when writing your code. This includes using the correct register conventions, stack frame layout, and parameter passing mechanisms.

It's important to note that while X64 processors can execute both X64 and x86 instructions, the reverse is not true. X86 processors can only execute x86 instructions. Therefore, if you are targeting both architectures, you will need to provide separate versions of your assembly code for each architecture.