tqdm iterate over range

To iterate over a range using Assembly language, you can use a loop structure. Here's an example of how you can achieve this using the tqdm library:

section .data
    count db 0

section .text
    global _start

    mov ecx, 10  ; set the range limit
    xor eax, eax ; clear the accumulator register

    ; Your code here to perform the desired operation on each iteration

    inc eax      ; increment the accumulator register
    inc byte [count] ; increment the count variable

    cmp eax, ecx ; compare the accumulator register with the range limit
    jl loop_start ; jump back to the loop start if the condition is true

    ; Your code here to handle the end of the loop

    ; Exit the program
    mov eax, 1   ; exit system call
    xor ebx, ebx ; return 0 status
    int 0x80     ; perform the system call

In this example, the loop starts at the label loop_start. You can add your desired operation within the loop. The accumulator register eax is incremented on each iteration, and the count variable is also incremented.

The cmp eax, ecx instruction compares the accumulator register with the range limit, and jl loop_start jumps back to the loop start if the condition is true.

After the loop, you can add code to handle the end of the loop, if needed. Finally, the program exits using the system call int 0x80.

Please note that the specific syntax and instructions may vary depending on the assembly language you are using. The example provided here is a generic representation.