spliting dateetimeindedx into date and time column

To split a date and time in Assembly language, you can use various string manipulation instructions and techniques. Here's an example of how you can split a date and time stored in the EDX register into separate date and time columns:

; Assuming the date and time are stored in EDX as a string in the format "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS"

; Splitting the date
mov esi, edx     ; Copy the EDX value to ESI
movzx eax, word ptr [esi]   ; Load the first two characters of the string (year) into EAX
movzx ebx, word ptr [esi+2] ; Load the next two characters (month) into EBX
movzx ecx, word ptr [esi+4] ; Load the next two characters (day) into ECX
movzx edx, word ptr [esi+6] ; Load the next two characters (hour) into EDX

; Splitting the time
movzx ebp, word ptr [esi+8] ; Load the next two characters (minute) into EBP
movzx edi, word ptr [esi+10] ; Load the next two characters (second) into EDI

; Store the date and time columns in separate registers or memory locations
; For example, you can store the date in EBX (month), ECX (day), and EAX (year)
; And store the time in EDX (hour), EBP (minute), and EDI (second)

This code assumes that the date and time are stored in the EDX register as a string in the format "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS". It uses the movzx instruction to load the individual characters of the string into separate registers (or you can store them in separate memory locations if needed).

Please note that the exact implementation may vary depending on the specific assembly language and processor architecture you are using. This is a general example to demonstrate the concept of splitting a date and time in Assembly.