glsl uniform struct

Sure! I'll provide a concise response without any additional personal sentences.

In GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language), the uniform keyword is used to declare a variable that is constant across all invocations of a shader program. It is typically used to pass data from the CPU (Central Processing Unit) to the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit).

A struct in GLSL is a composite data type that allows you to group multiple variables together. It is similar to a struct in other programming languages. You can use a struct to define a custom data type that contains different fields.

To declare a uniform struct in GLSL, you can use the following syntax:

uniform struct MyStruct {
    type1 field1;
    type2 field2;
    // ...

In this example, MyStruct is the name of the uniform struct, and field1, field2, and so on are the fields or members of the struct. type1, type2, and so on represent the data types of the fields.

Once you have declared a uniform struct, you can use it in your shader program to access and manipulate its fields. For example:

uniform struct MyStruct {
    float x;
    float y;

void main() {
    MyStruct myStruct;
    myStruct.x = 1.0;
    myStruct.y = 2.0;
    // ...

In this example, myStruct is an instance of the MyStruct struct, and you can access its fields (x and y) just like any other variable.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.