add text to image ffmpeg command

To add text to an image using the ffmpeg command in Assembly language, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install ffmpeg: Make sure you have ffmpeg installed on your system. You can download it from the official ffmpeg website and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

  2. Create a text file: Create a plain text file that contains the text you want to add to the image. Save the file with a .txt extension.

  3. Prepare the image: Place the image you want to add text to in the same directory as the text file you created in the previous step.

  4. Use the ffmpeg command: Open your Assembly language environment (such as NASM) and use the following ffmpeg command to add the text to the image:

ffmpeg -i input_image.jpg -vf "drawtext=textfile=text_file.txt: \
x=(w-text_w)/2:y=(h-text_h)/2:fontsize=20:fontcolor=white" output_image.jpg

Replace input_image.jpg with the name of your input image file and output_image.jpg with the desired name for your output image file. Adjust the fontsize and fontcolor parameters as per your preference.

  1. Execute the command: Run the ffmpeg command in your Assembly language environment. The command will add the text from the text file to the center of the image and save the result as the output image file.

That's it! The resulting image should now have the text added to it.